Monday, August 17, 2009

Why 18th Century Sewing is So Great

For someone who hates sewing I sure do seem to be doing a lot of it right now. But somehow historical sewing is much more dignified than modern sewing. Lets have a look at all the reasons why historical sewing is so fabulous....

1. Piecing - No longer embarassing testament to my inability to properly plan my cutting layout, it's now charming period detail. The more piecing, the more historical I become.
2. Frugality - I increasingly find uses for all those odd little bits and pieces I've been procrastinating on when it comes to throwing them out. Odd buttons, useless lengths of trim, fabric that's been in my stash since 1974. All of it has a use.
3. Handsewing - Legitimate and extremely period. Instead of slavishly trying to sew every tiny detail with a machine and botching it up, I now have good reason to settle down in front of the tele and set a sleeve or eyelets.
4. Embellishments - No longer a slave to the exceedingly boring minimalist chic I can embroider, buy ribbon, and put bows on things no-one dares to put a bow on these days. Lets face it, with the 18th century you can go sick on the trims and feathers and it's really hard to over do it.
5. Collars, Cuffs & Hats are back! - I haven't had this much fun with oversized things on clothing since the early 1980's.

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