Monday, August 17, 2009

Another use for twill (linen) tape

I trimmed my stays with this flesh pink twill tape which frankly wasn't really that good for that. Imagine then my disdain to discover I had purchased a couple of meters too much. What the heck was I going to use this stuff for now? Well today it came in handy. Twill tape makes fabulous boning channels, especially when you've forgotten to sew them into a garment and now need to add them invisibly.

I hand sewed the channels on so that the stitching would be invisible from the outside. Very quick and easy and I will definately use this method again. BTW putting the boning on the seams fixed 90% of the problems with the jacket. It was bunching up under the armpits and wouldn't take it's beautifully tailored form. Once the seams were boned it sits perfectly on my body without any adjusting and pulling. The only thing now is, I can't throw it in the washing machine. But who cares! Beautifully tailored clothes have a price. I already handwash quite a few of my garments anyway. No big deal.

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