Monday, August 17, 2009

Inspiration strikes

Ok so the jacket just looked bleh....every which way with the front as originally conceived. Don't ask me why because I really don't know I just hated what I saw in the mirror. I put it down primarily to one thing.....I'm not Kirsten Dunst. $88 dollars in groceries later I came upon an idea that just might save the jacket, and a lot of unpicking. And if I was really lucky I wouldn't even need to buy more fabric. Since a picture is worth a thousand words I'll save my thousand and just post a pic when the new front is done. Keep you posted.


  1. You rotten person! All these hints and no explanation! Does it involve buttons… Like little spherical metal ones? No?

  2. Oh it involves much more than mere buttons! My idea is mid-completion and is either pure genius or so completely "off" that I will not be able to post pics. Pray that it's the former.
