Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Synchronicity, a beautiful surprise

Or maybe I just had this costume always in my head rattling around somewhere because I remember loving it in the film. I have at last found some "evidence" for my jacket's existence, well it's movie costume evidence but still...Can you not see the similarity between this....

And this?

Albeit, one is decidedly more beautiful than the other, but the lines are very much the same. I have unwittingly and subconsciously drafted myself a pattern for one of my favourite movie costumes. A tiny bit of tweaking and I could very easily make this exact outfit. Which I may well do..


  1. You are on such a sewing roll today!

    I do think the jacket looks a lot like the MA costume. You should definitely make the adorable cuffs that go with it!

  2. Me too, just trying to visualise the shape and make up a pattern for it. Would I be right in assuming a quarter circle or something similar?
