Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fabric Hoard Update

First of all, sorry for the horrible pics. I still haven't found the batteries for my real camera and must use my phone instead...

I visted the Remnants Warehouse yesterday and fell upon a bonanza. In my totally unhistorical ways I decided I would make the first version of my new jacket out of denim, complete with modern wheat coloured decorative seams. Yes I know, I know. What has that got to do with the 18th century? Well it's only a trial jacket, it's for fun blah, blah, blah. The denim in the exact amount I needed for the jacket was in the remnants box for a mere $7.50, perfect! I wanted it lined and found the most gorgeous perfect fabric ever!

It's so lovely and sweet and most importantly me, that I'm also going to be making my robe anglaise out of it too. Can't you just see it? Well I can. 100% cotton and in my favourite colour combination of chocolate, pink and maroon. I adore this fabric and want to buy the whole roll just so no-one else can have it. Thankfully my bank balance won't allow me to do that. But for the time being this is the lining for my 18th century inspired denim jacket and the fabric for my future robe anglaise.

And just because I never got around to it. Here is the beautiful worsted in raspberry I picked up from the same store and very nearly picked up the apple green version yesterday out of the remnants box. And the lawn I have had for several years which will become the lining. What a combination? You can tell I'm really hot on red, pink and brown together can't you? My future redingote.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh… I love the fun lining you picked! And I think a denim jacket is a great idea!

    The redingote fabric is gorgeous too!
