Friday, August 14, 2009

The Jacket In Progress

Well today I did a mammoth effort and got the main shell of the jacket complete. The decorative wheat jean seams look really nice and I've decided I love this jacket already. As always some things were discovered as well.

1. To get this one to sit wrinkle free I probably need to run bones down the centre back seam and the front seams if not also the side seams. The demin has a tendency to creep up which my other fabric didn't do so much.
2. This jacket really needs cuffs of some sort. Plain sleeves are just too plain with this fabric.
3. I'm hoping the front will look a lot nicer with some trim, right now it's got all the style of a potato sack, hence why there is no front photo at the moment.
4. If I don't get my real camera up and running soon I'm going to hang myself. Hate, hate, hate poor photos


  1. Looking fab so far! Lovely shape and nice dark denim - I can definitely see this working on the street.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Clare. I do love a fitted jacket and can already see a redingote being made from the same pattern. All I'd need is a shawl collar and longer skirts. Instant redingote. Although I will probably make my redingote stayless as I would wear it over other clothes and want maximum flexibility with it.

  4. This is fantastic! I definitely think cuffs are a must. What are you thinking in terms of trim? Lots and lots of buttons would be cool...

  5. Thanks. Well yes defintely buttons and it looks like self cover ones at this stage, unless I can find something more suitable. I want to place about 7 down the centre front, 3 on each cuff and a little button above each set of pleats on the peplum. You can't see it in that photo but there are serious pleats with hidden decorative seams at the side which show when I move. Cute! But apart from that I think the neckline really needs something much like the inspiration costume. But rather than pinking a fringe I was thinking about fraying the denim and then stitching that on, like a fly fringe. Either that, or running the pleated trim you see on many jackets in the lining fabric around it. I really won't know until I make some up and pin it on. Any or all of these options could look great or terrible. But first things first. I need those cuffs!

  6. Huzzah for making the 18th C work now! :D
