Thursday, August 13, 2009

Historical, costuming cats

Like many costumers, I have cats. Two in fact. Both are weird. One eats thai red and green curry and usually loves to lap up the sauce and eat the beans out of it. The other one decides exactly what time I get out of bed in the morning. If I am not out of bed by her timing them she will walk across my hair (ouch, think individually pulled strands) and yowl shockingly until I get up. Too bad if my idea of sleeping in is getting up at the ridiculously late hour of 8am.

Just like my costumes one of my cats is historically incorrect. She is definately a modern cat, her breed wasn't even invented until recently. I don't as a whole support the cat fancier community. In fact I am all for the humble domestic. But she was out of luck and in need of a home so I gave her mine. My boy was living it large on the streets until he got impounded by the RSPCA and that's where I got him from.

Both my cats are stunningly gorgeous, and I'm so glad they both chose me. Here's HRH Jamaica...

And the ever lovable Hamlet...

Although these pics both show them happy in the garden, moving to a city apartment now makes them indoor kitties. I just haven't got as cute photos of them indoors. Both cats are expert pattern drafters as evidenced by their desire to sit on top of every pattern I am ever working on. They also like to hatch scissors, scraps of fabric and especially love coating all newly purchased fabric in their mohair additions.


  1. They're adorable! We who are owned by cats are lucky indeed :)

  2. Yes we are. I think it's a sign of a quality human. Of course excuse my bias.

  3. What gorgeous kitties! Felicity has competition for the most beautiful cat in the world award!
