Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hats on their way

I went ahead and ordered the hat patterns from Lynn. Yes I know I could just buy buckram hat frames but where would be the fun in that? I really want the experience of saying "I made my own hat". Whether or not I can source the required millinery items from within Australia will be another matter entirely. It's not so much that we don't have such things here, it's more that they are still hidden within the realms of the theatre industry and not generally locatable by the general public. Of course there must be millinery supplies somewhere in this country, finding them is another matter entirely.

If all else fails I will do what I always do. Import them from somewhere else.


  1. Wishing you the best on your first baby hat! I'm sure it will turn out wonderful.

  2. Good luck with the materials search! Looking forward to seeing what you create...

  3. Try asking staff members at your nearest theatre for a start. Maybe they'll get so impressed that they let you order with them or something. Good luck!
