Monday, August 17, 2009

Jacket Continues....

The lining went in today and I had to pull the peplum off and line it before attaching it. Didn't mind the work but it took a while. Now that the denim is lined, it sits very differently. Thankfully a lot more structured and beautiful and oh! I just love the way the contrast lining peeks out at various points adding visual interest to the garment. I also made the cuffs but have yet to attach them and yes I definately need bones at the front opening at a minimum but also one down the centre back would make it look really polished.

Put it on and while it fits beautifully I guess I'm just not a fan of what 18th C clothes do to the front of me. My cleavage is massive and makes me feel frumpy and the peplum really makes my torso look short. I love this jacket from the back however, I think it's perfect. Sorry no pics of me in it, I can't take photos when I'm feeling frustrated.

What to do? What to do? The answer will come as always after a cup of tea and good nights rest.


  1. Nothing wrong with a fine bosom! I wish my cleavage was a little more impressive, but I seem to gain weight in all other places than my bosom. Sucks to be me :P

  2. Tsk! What I wouldn't give to redistribute some of my chest excess so those willing to take it. I guess it sucks to be anyone...Lol!

  3. Maybe us well-endowed ladies should set up a bosom bank? It is so frustrating when clothes just don't fit properly because of them!
