Monday, August 10, 2009

And the sleeves are in...

Today I set myself the task of fitting the sleeves in. Ignore their length, that has more to do with how much toile fabric I had left than anything else. I've also trimmed the neckline to it's approximate position just to see what this is going to look like.

Not bad, if I do say so myself. I'm still not ready to cut my brocade so I think I'll take a trip to the fabric shop and get some cheap and cheerful stuff to make a practise one on.


  1. That looks fantastic!

    What stays are you wearing?

    And I love the "apples on a tray" look you have going on! It's going to take a bit of padding to make my décolletage that interesting ;-)

  2. Just my plain canvas stays. Actually I was having a fit yesterday after I cut the neckline because I felt half naked...OMG! If anything I want a few less apples on my tray...sigh. But thanks for the nice comment.

  3. I agree, looks stunning! Those stays seem to fit like a dream.

  4. Haha! Thanks, I was just thinking how weird and creepy my posture appears in the first pic. Really must learn how to stand in a photo...ugh!
