Sunday, June 28, 2009

The fabric hoard beckons

I'm dying to start next month. This month has taken me away from home for most of the month. I've scarcely slept in my own bed let alone done any sewing. But next month I will be home for all except 2 days, heaven. I have a pile of fabric and weather that is fast approaching spring. I didn't buy the cashmere but did splash out for some raspberry worsted which will not only make me a lovely redingote but also happens to perfectly co-ordinate with some printed lawn I had and was hard pressed to find a use for. Lining for my redingote.

1 comment:

  1. "weather that is fast approaching spring"
    If your weather is fast approaching spring, can I come move in with you? We will be in winter's deadly grip for months yet :-(

    Please post pictures of the red worsted! And buy lots of wool during the spring fabric sales!
