Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fabric Fever Strikes Again

Anyone who sews knows the terrible lure of fabric. I have personally purchased enough fabric to fit out a small army, and their sleeping bags yet I have a dearth of wearable clothes. So it's with great resistance that I go looking for fabric at all. But this jacket project has me thinking, and looking. Of course one would imagine that I'd just use the fabric I've got on any new project and only go shopping for more when it's gone. One would imagine that. And one would be wrong. 

Every new project is different and none of the existing fabric in ones hoard is ever right for the next project. New fabric by definition must be purchased! So what am I getting at here? Well I'm looking for a justification to buy this lovely (did I mention, lovely?) red wool for my new jacket. It's Italian, cashmere blend and extremely fine cloth. It's a veritable bargain at just $25 per meter. And yes I know, it's also worth nothing as a piece of cloth, uncut and unsewn into something useful. But me wants it. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I was just posting about adding to my own (not insubstantial) fabric stash.

    Italian wool-cashmere blend in red. Sounds yummy!

    My goal this year is to make as much as I can out of what I have already. We will see how long that lasts.
