Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hemming, my new career

Only 18 meters of handstitched rolled hems to go...someone tell me again why I "love" silk voile?


  1. Hey, just be glad it is silk voile and not really tightly woven cotton :-( My hands hurt so much!

    I do feel your pain though. I hand stitched the rolled hem of my stonewashed silk charmeuse wedding dress - all 12 yards. Not quite 18, but it still sucked!

  2. You love it because it's pretty of course ;)

    When I'm facing a task that I feel is very daunting, I try to focus on how beautiful the end result will be.
    And I try to see hand sewing as a meditative activity. The more I sew the more relaxed and stress relived I'll be.

  3. I never sew a hem by machine ordinarily but am sorely tempted with this. It's not the volume of sewing, it's the lack of convincing evidence that this hem actually looks significantly better handsewn than not. It's the first time I've ever used such fine fabric and my usually totally invisble stitches seem to pull and pucker at every stitch. I'll probably perfect it though by the 17th meter...;p

  4. Doing the least noticable hems
