Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today's a great day for....

Trims! I'm getting that jacket done come hell or high water. Will post pics of my gorgeous new trims on jacket this afternoon. Watch this space.

And here's why I rarely give myself a deadline...

It ensures I never finish anything. Procrastination is not my problem. No, no, my problem is as soon as I decide something has to be finished by a certain date, then all hell breaks loose and my sewing meets one disaster after another. Sigh...yes my lovely supposedly simple 18th C trims are taking an ice age to create. And once I do post pics you'll wonder why, there's not that much of it. Hope I can get a wriggle-on today.


  1. Hello, Clara! I've just discovered that there are actually 18th-c. blogs and I am quite excited about this! I am completing a dissertation in 18th-c. British History, but I'm also a mom and live in the real world and absolutely no one wants to discuss the 18th c. with me. My mom is an excellent seamstress, but I do not sew. I'm vastly interested in the clothes of the 18th c. so I find your blog fascinating. I'm not blogging now as I have a deadline looming for my diss., but I hope you won't mind if I pop by now and then to see what you are up to. And wear the petticoats! You go girl!

  2. Thanks LizzyBean, you are so welcome. Of course pop in and have a laugh. My blog is my way of making sure I sew, otherwise all that lovely fabric will sit in a box for years on end. I would love to learn about 18th C history as my sewing doesn't allow me much time for research.
