Thursday, July 16, 2009

The pattern blocks are done

Well I've spent the best part of my day completing pattern blocks for both a corsetted 18th century body and my natural one. Interesting to note that the only difference between the two is a lower bustline on the natural one, and bigger darts. I got sidetracked and began drafting a 19th century corset pattern from scratch, just because. After a toile and a few cable ties later I decided that my redingote with a decidely more amusing project.

Plus spring will be here soon and I really want to make a lovely late 1780's round gown a la anglaise for then. I've still yet to find a suitable floral print but I will. I always do especially when it's going to cost me money. If all else fails I will do what many have done before me and buy the Ikea Alvine flora quilt cover. I can't count how many 18th century outfits have been enabled by the genius of Ikea.

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